Top 10 Reasons You Should Attend #edcampsiouxcity #edcampelpaso #edcampstgo Posted on October 7, 2011 by profesorbaker
Fun, exciting, and revolutionary… when was the last time you heard someone describe teacher professional development like that?
If you’re familiar with EdCamps, then the answer is probably all the time!
EdCamps, a new trend in professional development, are popping up all over the place.
Once you read these top 10 reasons to attend an EdCamp, it’s easy to see why they are so popular!
Top 10 Reasons You Should Attend an EdCamp:
1. You’re someone who is passionate about education and wants to have a powerful learning experience.
2. You are tired of expensive conferences led by people who are out of touch with classrooms and what teachers actually need.
3. You think professional development should be participant-driven, engaging, and most of all – fun!
4. You recognize the importance of collaboration and love learning from your peers.
5. You support having a level playing field between attendees and presenters. Everyone should be equal and can take an active role in discussions.
6. You appreciate the idea of “voting with your feet”. When sessions don’t meet your needs, you can get up and attend a different one!
7. You value free attendance, flexible agendas, and local networking opportunities.
8. You love receiving information that can immediately be applied in your classroom and professional life.
9. You understand that EdCamps are attendee-driven, so you should offer to lead sessions, vote on proposed topics, and actively participate in each session you attend.
10. You know that the future of professional development relies on teacher-to-teacher collaboration.
November 5 will be an exciting EdCamp day. There are actually 4 EdCamps happening simultaneously! Not only will you be able to learn locally, but globally as well! We look forward to sharing this day with edcamp KC, edcamp Grand Rapids, MI, and edcamp Edmonton!
For more information on EdCampSioux City please visit our Wiki. Help us by promoting the event in your school with this flier. Co-organizer, Pat Toben (@lovedrummin) and I hope you join us for a day of networking and learning. This unconference would not be happening without the Sioux City Community School District. They have allowed us to use a portion West High School for the day. The technology department has been relentless in ensuring that WiFi will be available for all participants!
Another thanks to our sponsors. This list will be updated as sponsors emerge! ()
Sioux City Starbuck Coffee – What gathering of like-minded friends wouldn’t be complete without Starbucks Coffee! A coffee-bar awaits your arrival.
Teachercast – TeacherCast.net, a place where Teachers help other Teachers. TeacherCast is designed for both the seasoned teacher who is searching for some great resources as well as the teacher who is a unsure how to start incorporating newly developed 21st-Century skills. TeacherCast is a fitting sponsor for EdCampSiouxCity! Welcome aboard!
SymbalooEDU has recently joined in to help sponsor EdCampSiouxCity. We are thrilled for this partnership!
We appreciate the state-wide marketing of EdCampSiouxCity provided by Northwest AEA. We are looking forward to participants from across Iowa and surrounding states. Northwest AEA is also providing each participant a notepad and pen to assist in gathering thoughts and ideas.
Thank’s for a review, Kathleen. I’ll be there!! 🙂 I think every teacher must be there!