The Journey Begins


I had pretty much talked myself out of participating in the 2015 Slice of Life Story Challenge when two emails showed up in my inbox. One was Fran McVeigh’s first post (March Challenge: #SOL15 Day One) and the other was a Simple Truth’s video entitled Attitude Is Everything.

I participated in the challenge last year (March 2014) and considered it was one of the best opportunities I had had as a blogger, but I also knew the time commitment was a bit daunting at times. Everything happens for a reason. Fran’s post and the 7 Rules for Staying Positive convinced me to take part in the Slice of Life Story Challenge again this year.

Rule #1 – Wait to Worry

Rather than worrying that I won’t be able to blog each day in the month of March, I vow to just let it happen. Blogging is personal and public. I know most posts usually take me quite a while to complete. Rather than being a perfectionist, I will let the stories happen – some short and some more detailed.

Rule #2 – Keep an Attitude of Gratitude

I’m thankful Fran’s commitment to the Slice of Life Challenge pushed my decision to take part again this year. I am also thankful for the connections I will make reading and commenting on other “Slicers” posts and look forward to comments on my own posts!

Rule # 3 – Health is your Wealth

One of the reasons I was initially talking myself out of the Slice of Life Story Challenge is my commitment to increasing my exercise each day. I already workout with a personal trainer two days a week and occasionally on my own. I know I need more. My One Word for 2015 is FOCUS!  I am currently converting a room in my basement into a home gym. The physical structure, new walls and flooring (due to past water damage), should be finished this week. The room once was an eyesore of storage. My goal is to keep it a peaceful, relaxing place dedicated for only one purpose – creating a stronger, healthier “ME.”

Rule #4 – Joy Boomerangs

Last March most of my focus was on my own writing. I obsessed on “perfect” posts. This year I plan to focus more on reading other bloggers post and commenting. I have learned from my own writing that the comments I receive from others drive my passion for writing. I intend to spread the joy to others, lifting them up, inspiring them, encouraging them!

Rule #5 – Learn to Say NO

Hmm – I almost said NO to this challenge and here I am starting it. So much for learning to say NO. BUT, I will work on saying no to time wasters in my life.  Perhaps a few less Candy Crush games? Start the day writing rather than scrolling through Facebook?

Rule #6 – Understand the Power of Discipline

Last year, during the Slice of Life Challenge, I actually surprised myself that I could publish a blog post each day (minus a few). The power of discipline held true. One of my favorite sayings is:

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

Rule #7 – Surround Yourself with Positive People

I love the blogging and Twitter community! I have encountered so many passionate, positive people! Their zest for life and sharing with others is contagious! I am excited for the connections I will make on this journey!

And, so it BEGINS!

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DuringSlice of Life Orange March 2015, I am blogging daily as a part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge! This is post #1. More Slice of Life posts from other bloggers can be found on Two Writing Teachers. JOIN US! You can sign up here!



  • Katie Diez 1 Mar

    Everything about this Slice resonates with me! This is my second year as well, and so much has changed for me since last year…I feel like I will keep coming back to your 7 guidelines as I navigate this month of writing. Thanks for sharing this Slice!

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Thanks, Katie. I’m glad the 7 Guidelines from the Simple Truth video resonated with you, too. I hope the guidelines can keep this challenge in perspective for us!

      Enjoy the journey! I look forward to LEARNING and GROWING with you.


  • elsie 1 Mar

    Welcome back and hang in there! Your seven rules will serve you well. As ;you know this is the most positive place to write and share. Reading others is enlightening plus you get ideas for yourself. Comments are smile inducers, at least they are for me.

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Thanks! Yes, I agree – comments make me smile! Since last year I have moved my blog to this domain. My old blog still receives more hits a day because it is deeper into search engines. I’m looking forward to the visitors during this challenge!


  • Fran 1 Mar

    I am so glad to see you taking up the challenge! Being writers ourselves is so critical when coaching teachers and students to write, write more, and especially write longer! (Walk the talk – Write the talk this month!)
    I look forward to seeing you often!

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Yes. I know this is a good challenge. An important challenge. It is so important to “write the talk” in March and throughout the year. Coaching teachers to write is important as well. We learn so much about writing when we write ourselves!

      I’m always LEARNING and GROWING with and FROM you, my friend!


  • Jaime 1 Mar

    As a first time slicer, this was a very helpful post! It’s the kind of advice I think I’ll come back to quite a few times over this next month.

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Welcome, Jaime!
      Enjoy the challenge! I know I gained so much through it last year. It is a big task to big off, but has a very beneficial outcome for you and others!


  • Leigh Anne 1 Mar

    I love these seven and how you applied them to slicing. Writing for the entire month is not easy (I guess that’s why it is a challenge) but it is so worth it in the end. Happy writing to you.

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Yes, Leigh, a challenge it is. But once we make up our minds to take on a challenge we commit to the process. And yes, so worth it in the end.
      Enjoy the journey!


  • Mindi Rench 1 Mar

    Kathy, I almost opted out of slicing this year, too. Then I remembered how amazing I felt after completing the challenge. I’m hoping I will continue writing once March is over this year. I wasn’t good about that before.

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      Hi Mindi –
      The challenge is hard. It is one thing to say YES to the challenge on March 1 and another to look back at the accomplishments (or not) on March 31. Last year I posted on MOST days. I still consider it an accomplishment. Yet, I didn’t continue writing as much as I had planned. This year I need to move past “March.” 🙂

      Looking forward to taking the journey with you!


  • Morgan 1 Mar

    I love how you use the rules to organize your thinking. And thank you for sharing your thoughts. As a forest time #sol’er, I carry the worry for the commitment, but I know it can be done. I think your take on rule #5 will be one to live by this month.

    • Kathy Perret 1 Mar

      I worried a lot about the process last year. I did miss a few days, but that’s life and I just had to accept it. All in all it was a great experience!

      Best wishes on your writing journey!


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