Today is One of Those Days

Slide1The Slice of Life March Challenge is a big commitment. I knew that from the start. Writing every day for 31 days straight isn’t something to take lightly.  Today is day twelve. I have eleven days of solid writing under my belt. But, today is one of those days ….

A day I could just fold

A day to end my streak

A day to live in the agony of defeat


A day to admit writing is not always easy

A day to cherish the struggle

A day to brainstorm upcoming topic ideas

A day to remember not every post needs to be earth-shattering

A day to smile that I have just completed day 12.

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slice of lifeMarch 2015, I am blogging daily as a part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge! This is post #12. More Slice of Life posts from other bloggers can be found on Two Writing Teachers.

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  • Val 12 Mar

    I like the way you presented the to sides of the coin and I can totally relate. The two lines they struck a cord with me were – “A day to admit that writing is not always easy”, and “A day to remember that not every post has to be earth-shattering.” You really summed it up. Thanks for reminding me that we all have days where we struggle to get the words onto the page.

  • @LitCoachDanaK 13 Mar

    You really captured the feeling of, probably, many slicers in this month so far! You are doing it though lady!! Woo hoo! I really enjoyed the repetition of “A day…” Thank you for sharing!!!

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