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21 Days of Heart Centered Actions for Educators

Update: Registration is now closed.

Educators lead very busy lives. Our TO DO list grows each day. Lessons to plan. Data to analyze. New techniques to study. Students to inspire. Families and communities to communicate with. And the list goes on. When we aren’t living our “school lives” we may be caring for family, friends, pets and community organizations. We are constantly taking care of others. The month of February is a beautiful time to concentrate on being heart-centered. Focusing on self care is not a luxury, it should be first on our list.

It is my pleasure to work with Lisa Dabbs to bring you our course titled 21 Days to Heart Centered Actions for Educators. Simply use the form below to register. The course is FREE – our gift to you! Throughout the month you will receive one email each weekday. The email will consist of one heart centered action along with an activity to try and a few resources. We encourage you to use the hashtag #heart4edu to share your thoughts and experiences as well as other resources on being a heart centered educator. You will not receive an email over the weekend. We are strong believers that this is YOUR time and a perfect time to unplug, stay centered or try out some of the activities!  

You may be wondering … what are these heart centered actions? The actions we will focus on are not affiliated with any particular heart centered approach. They are simply actions that will guide you to focus on yourself so that you are the best version of yourself. We aren’t asking you to neglect taking care of others. In fact, it is a know fact that when we put taking care of ourselves first, we are able to care for others more deeply.

We will start with a brief explanation of why it is important to focus on self care and how this can guide you to be your best self and an effective educator. From there we will dig into focusing on knowing our WHY and keeping that in the center of our work and life. Other heart-centered actions include visualization, affirmations, mindfulness, kindness, movement, and healthy lifestyles to name a few. Each day, a new action, 21 in all! 

The email you receive will be short and sweet! You can try the activity of the day and look through the resources at your own pace. There are NO assignments for the course. You do not have to turn anything into us. The course is simply a guide. You are free to move through the actions as you choose. Remember to use the hashtag #heart4edu to share your thoughts, experiences and other resources.

We look forward to connecting with you via Twitter (#heart4edu) during the month. If you blog, we encourage you to reflect and share your thoughts with the #heart4edu community.

❤ Register now. Your first email will arrive on February 1, 2016! We are looking forward to learning and growing with you throughout the 21 days of Heart Centered Actions for Educators!