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An #EduCoach Kindness Challenge

Earlier this week I ran across a Kindness Challenge for the month of December (2017) from the website Action for Happiness. I aways love a good challenge and December is the perfect time to focus on kindness.

Having just finished up the #educoach November Photo Challenge, I tweeted out the calendar and inquired if anyone would like to collaborate on developing one for instructional coaches to use during the month of December. The month always flies by fast, but not without a few stresses along the way. Coaches have reported that it is difficult to find time for solid coaching cycles due to interrupted schedules. December can be a perfect time for instructional coaches to concentrate on additional relationship building.

It didn’t take long for an instructional coach to step up and offer to collaborate! Together @TorchTeach, coincidentally a fellow Iowan, developed the #educoach December Kindness Challenge! We hope you enjoy spreading kindness throughout your school. As with any challenge, feel free to move the daily suggestions around to fit your situation. We know school calendars vary. We did try to make sure the weekends were more about planning upcoming acts of kindness. We also wanted to make sure you had opportunities to be kind to yourself as well as plan for future ways to build the kindness culture at your school. (Thank you, Stacy!)

Share your experiences with the #educoach community on Twitter. If you are new to #educoach, we are both a Twitter Chat (each Wednesday at 8pm CST) and a Twitter Professional Learning Network (PLN). We all share a love of empowering and inspiring others!

Here are a few resources that may be of interested.

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What are your favorite kindness related resources?


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