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A Year of Instructional Coaching Tips

I can’t believe it is March already. Our first two months of 2018 have flown by. This post is something I should have posted long ago – but between a home remodeling project and a hectic schedule it sat in my draft folder. Time to revise and publish! You’ll want to read to the end to learn how to get a year’s worth of Instructional Coaching Tips … one day at a time.

At the start of 2018 I set my #oneword and some personal and professional goals. Now that we are into our third month of the year it a good time to reflect on my progress.

Did you choose a word for 2018? Are you living it? What evidence do you have? Do you need to refocus to stay true to your word?

My One Word Journey

Twitter is always a buzz at the beginning of the year. People around the world choose their one word or yearly focus. I’ve been choosing one word to define my year since 2016 after reading One Word that Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon. I have found the one word method to be more beneficial than resolutions, that I tend to break – along with most others!

In 2016 my word was FOCUS. There was much to focus on – especially the co-writing of The Coach Approach to School Leadership and the start of my own consulting business. I kept my word in the forefront – focusing on what was important not only in my professional life, but personal as well.

It seemed fitting to move from FOCUS to JOY in 2017. My goal was to seek JOY in everyday life – the big and the small. I used a gratitude journal to keep track of the moments of joy, gratitude and acts of kindness. Highlights of course were the publication of The Coach Approach to School Leadership and being together with co-authors Jessica Johnson and Shira Leibowitz for the first time. Family joy included the wedding of my only niece and gaining a nephew-in-law that loves Iowa State as much as I do. My consulting business picked up to include travel to schools, conferences and additional virtual coaching clients. The more I focused on gratitude, kindness and joy – the more I found. It is a practice I continue today.

In 2018 I have so much to celebrate. I feel like everything in my life is aligning and its my time to SHINE – my #oneword for the year. I wanted to keep a focus on past words and practices. Focus and Joy will continue to be in the forefront as well as the practice of my gratitude journal. Increasing acts of kindness, especially random, are already underway! There are a few areas I am working on with more intention and purpose – namely ME. The once “workaholic” has found balance over the past several years, yet I know there are areas I can improve. My once focused exercise regime has taken a backseat. I knew it was time to get back to the home gym (I have no excuse all I need is right here). So far I’ve added exercise 2 days a week as well as eating clean. As I reflect, I know it is time to step up my game once again.

A Year of Coaching Tips

YEAH – you got to the end. Sorry for the long lead up. 🙂

Of course I plan to help others SHINE along the way. During 2017 I was inspired by Megan Ryder of #365EduCoaching. For a solid year, Megan tweeted on coaching tip a day. I looked forward to them each day – in fact they brought me a lot of JOY. I grew in my own coaching skills and I still enjoy going back through her feed to learn something new.

I was so inspired that I decided to embark on my own journey of sharing daily tips. #SHINE365educoach was born January 1, 2018. I tend to have a lot of coaching ideas rolling around in my brain. I figured this would be a good way to unleash them.

Another goal this year is to be more intentional with my writing. This blog once was a source of weekly joy and accomplishment. I had a routine that included posting at least once a week. The reflections and writing were for myself, but I enjoyed knowing that posts sparked new ideas for others. So – it’s time to use my own #SHINE365educoach tips as spring boards for more writing.

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post … it’s March. The first two months have flown by. I have posted a #SHINE365educoach tip almost everyday. There have been missed days – missed because of schedule or missed (to be honest) because I completely forgot. I plan to be more intentional at scheduling tweets for the week. I’ve changed up the style of the tips each month and will probably continue to do so.

So follow #SHINE365educoach for daily coaching tips. I also created a separate Twitter account @SHINE365Coach, but I tend to post from my main account out of habit.  Many tips are applicable for any educator leading with a coaching hat. Principals, coaches, and teachers can all put on that coaching hat and empower and inspire those they serve.

Remember – Each Day is YOUR day to SHINE!

Keep Shining, 


Do you want to reach your goals even faster? How about having a coach of your own? Check out my Virtual Coaching for Instructional Coaches and School Leaders! Your first call is always FREE! My goal is for YOU to SHINE!

Check out some of my favorite instructional coaching books here!

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