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It is such an honor to be co-hosting the February 12, 2015, #ILAchat with Elena Aguilar and to LEARN and GROW with coaches all around the globe! I hope you join us at 7:00 pm CST! Back in 2011, I was an Instructional Coach looking to connect with other coaches in order to grow my […]
I had a beautiful start to my Sunday morning at the ASCD Conference. I had the opportunity to be inspired. There is no greater feeling that hearing passionate educators tell their school’s journey to discovering what works for their students! I have been fortunate to hear many schools’ stories at this year’s ASCD conference, but […]
My current summer read is the book Teach Like a PIRATE by Dave Burgess. In the book he describes ways to increase student engagement, boost your creativity, and transform your life as an educator. Since Dave is a teacher himself, the examples are geared toward teachers as well. Yet, as discovered during our first #educoach chat about […]
Work is going to fill a large portion of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ~ Steve Jobs Summer is a great time to catch up on some reading, […]
I started reading a new book over the weekend in preparation for a virtual book study with fellow #educoach colleagues which begins Wednesday, February 6th. Our weekly Twitter chat (Wednesdays at 9:00 CST) will focus on the book High-Impact Instruction by fellow #educoach participant Jim Knight. This study marks the second book by Jim Knight the group has […]
Personal photo – Fireworks display, Okoboji, IA – July 4, 2012 Celebrations are all around us. Social media provides us the opportunity to share our celebrations with others near and far. We are able to stay connected to the mile markers and new chapters in the lives of friends, family, and professional colleagues. Acknowledging the […]

cc licensed flickr photo shared by Linda Jordan 🙂 Summer is the perfect time to catch up on personal and professional reading! If you are looking for a book to read this summer that will strengthen your teaching and/or instructional coaching, consider joining the #educoach Summer Book Study. #Educoach is a Twitter chat for anyone […]
Are you looking for an opportunity to collaborate with others that are interested in Instructional Leadership and Instructional Coaching? The #educoach Twitter chat that meets each Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM CST is currently reading and discussing the book Unmistakable Impact: A Partnership Approach for Dramatically Improving Instruction by Jim Knight. Dr. Knight joins the chat […]
I have been on Twitter for over two years. In the course of that time I have met some amazing educators from all corners of the world. I have gain new insights, looked at state of education from many perspectives, learned new strategies, increased my knowledge of technology integration, networked with educators and re-energized my […]