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The 2019-2020 school year is coming to a close and WHAT A SCHOOL YEAR IT HAS BEEN. First and foremost please feel the STANDING OVATION I am sending each and everyone one of you. (I’d shake your hand or give you a hug – but that’s not social distancing.) Watching educators around the globe continue […]

“Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance.” – Atul Gawande How do you become your personal best? Dr. Atul Gawande found that coaching was the key. You can read his thoughts on how coaching changed his performance as a brain surgeon in the New Yorker article Personal Best: Top athletes […]

Instructional coaches guide reflection in many situations. We help teachers analyze their instruction, student data, student learning progressions and behaviors, as well as school-wide progress to name a few. It can be time consuming to generate questions for each situation. In my work with school leaders, instructional coaches and teachers I have been using 4 […]

If you are an instructional coach or administrator wearing a coaching hat (aka The #CoachApproach) you know RELATIONSHIPS MATTER. How would you like a strategy that has the potential to strengthen your relationships with teachers? What if I told you this strategy would only take 5 to 10 minutes of your time? In return you’d […]

Happy New Year! 2019 has arrived! As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve spent some time this past week reflecting on 2018 and mapping out goals for 2019. I’m so excited to see what this year holds. I am the author of the next 365 days. I’ve used the One Word concept for the […]

Instructional coaches and school leaders spend a great deal their time facilitating reflection. Reflection can be the key to teacher and student success. My friends and fellow ASCD authors, Pete Hall and Alisa Simeral, are constantly reminding us that the more reflective we are, the more effective we are. The question is … Do you […]

If you are involved in any type of coaching – be it peer coaching, instructional coaching, teacher-and-student coaching, or principal-and-teacher coaching (ie The #CoachApproach)… you are engaged in coaching conversations. These conversations should breathe life into the other person, rather than deflate. At the center of the conversations are 4 KEYS to keep in mind. […]

Earlier this week I ran across a Kindness Challenge for the month of December (2017) from the website Action for Happiness. I aways love a good challenge and December is the perfect time to focus on kindness. Having just finished up the #educoach November Photo Challenge, I tweeted out the calendar and inquired if anyone […]

To begin I feel I must submit a disclaimer to this post. I have read a few blog posts on the Knowing – Doing Gap and I am aware of the book by this same title by Jeffry Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton yet, the thoughts in this post are my own and are based […]

In my last post I shared my writing journey. The road was been full of twists and turns, discovery and growth. I have had the opportunity to meet many authors along the way that have inspired me, in person and/or through their printed words. I have had mentors who saw things in me that I didn’t […]