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It was my honor to write this guest post that originally was posted on Sherry St. Clair’s blog Reflect to Learn. The post is adapted slightly here. The content is based on Compassionate Coaching: How to Help Educators Navigate Barriers to Professional Growth that I co-wrote with Kenny McKee. In March of 2020, our lives […]

If you are an instructional coach or administrator wearing a coaching hat (aka The #CoachApproach) you know RELATIONSHIPS MATTER. How would you like a strategy that has the potential to strengthen your relationships with teachers? What if I told you this strategy would only take 5 to 10 minutes of your time? In return you’d […]

This post is cross-posted on the #educoach website. Do you love a good challenge? Starting November 1, 2017, you are invited to take part in the #EduCoach November Photo Challenge. You can participate as much or as little as you want. The image above details each days photo challenge. You also have the choice to […]

Newsletters are often found in the school setting. Principals and instructional coaches use them to communicate with faculty members. Teachers use them to communicate with families. District offices used them to communicate with staff and stakeholders. During a recent instructional coaching training I facilitated I shared examples of the newsletter format I used as a coach. […]

As an educator, I am drawn to movies that depict teachers and other aspects of education. Often the plot is highly predictable, but each uniquely inspirational. The teacher in the movie learns to believe in a student or group of students who often do not believe in themselves. The teacher tries everything in his/her power […]

Update: Registration is now closed. Educators lead very busy lives. Our TO DO list grows each day. Lessons to plan. Data to analyze. New techniques to study. Students to inspire. Families and communities to communicate with. And the list goes on. When we aren’t living our “school lives” we may be caring for family, friends, pets […]

It is such an honor to be co-hosting the February 12, 2015, #ILAchat with Elena Aguilar and to LEARN and GROW with coaches all around the globe! I hope you join us at 7:00 pm CST! Back in 2011, I was an Instructional Coach looking to connect with other coaches in order to grow my […]
What is that one thing you dream of doing? What is that one goal you are striving to reach? Can you imagine the feeling you will have when your dreams become a reality? What will it look like? Feel like? Sound like? Today, an article in the Iowa State Daily caused me to reflect on […]
You have probably heard the phrase There is no I in Team. We’ve seen examples of teamwork throughout our careers and life. Teamwork where no one wants or expects the credit when the team succeeds. Teamwork that supports each other in defeat. March Madness is the yearly lens on teamwork. College basketball teams all over the […]
I have only met you a few times in person, But I feel like I know you. I see your parents’ Facebook posts. The pictures The videos The fun I see the beautiful support system you have. Mom and Dad Brothers Sister Grandparents Aunts Uncles Cousins Friends All love you! Your laughter makes me smile. […]