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4 Questions to Guide Reflection

Instructional coaches guide reflection in many situations. We help teachers analyze their instruction, student data, student learning progressions and behaviors, as well as school-wide progress to name a few. It can be time consuming to generate questions for each situation. In my work with school leaders, instructional coaches and teachers I have been using 4 […]
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Reflecting on Blog Data

The first week of the Slice of Life 2015 Blogging Challenge is in the books. I was reluctant to sign up for the challenge again this year, but I am so glad I did. The past week was just the push I needed to re-gain confidence in my writing. I have had a blog since […]

Using Data for Meaningful Change

As an educator, I believe we need to look to our data to make meaningful change for our students and ourselves. Data comes in many forms – from hard data to perception data. Both play an important role in the change process. To assist schools in using data to make meaningful changes, I believe I […]
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One Measure – Is it Enough?

If you are a dog owner you probably understand my complete attachment to my little pup. Look at him. Doesn’t your heart just melt!  I rescued him 3 years ago. He has been my pride and joy. His unconditional love is comforting. He makes me laugh and teaches me something new everyday! My pup came […]

A Chair

If you are a school based employee you are accustomed to attending meetings. Staff meetings, building leadership team meetings, professional development meetings, teacher collaboration meetings, administrative team meetings, curriculum writing meetings, study group meetings, grade level team meetings, committee meetings, parent meetings, evaluation meetings, school board meetings, union meetings etc… Where educators gather there is […]