Exercise Your Writing Muscle?

During the month of March, I  participated in the Slice of Life Story Challenge developed by  Two Writing Teachers. The challenge proposed was to write a blog post each day during the month of March. Today is March 30th and this marks my 25th post for the month. Yes, I missed a few days during the month. Life […]

Quotes about Writing – Pick One – GO

Today is one of those days where the to-do list is piled high. A blog post that is going to take some time and thought to write isn’t going to happen. So instead, I leave it up to you – my readers to add the depth to this post! A favorite opening activity I use in professional […]

The Blank Page

Today I’m reminded of a quote a colleague recently shared from Pathway to the Common Core by Lucy Calkins, Chris Lehman and Mary Ehrenworth. Novelist and award-winning publisher, Margaret Atwood, was quoted on page 106. “The fact is the blank page inspires me with terror. What will I put on them? Will it be good enough? Will […]

We Become What We Repeatedly Do

Have you ever tried to break a bad habit or start a good one? It takes time, doesn’t it! During the month of March I’ve decided to take part in a habit building challenge called The Slice of Life as well as continue developing my healthy life style changes by upping my exercise. I have purposely […]

Using Data for Meaningful Change

As an educator, I believe we need to look to our data to make meaningful change for our students and ourselves. Data comes in many forms – from hard data to perception data. Both play an important role in the change process. To assist schools in using data to make meaningful changes, I believe I […]

Inspiration to Write

How’s the blogging going? What was your last post about? These were questions a good friend and supporter of my work asked of me last weekend. I had to admit my last post was January 1, 2013 and that was a pre-generated year in review post from WordPress.com. No deep thinking in that post – only a […]

Discover Writing!

http://blog.writingspirit.com/2012/06/10-steps-to-becoming-a-better-writer-by-brain-clark-copyblogger.html   Writing. Writing has been on my mind. It has been on my mind a lot. I am nearing the 2nd year anniversary of my blog and this post marks my 99th contribution to the blogsphere. The 10 tips above hit home. There are some days I have to force myself to write and […]

Happy 1st Birthday, Learning is Growing!

One year ago I took the plunge into the blog-sphere. What a year it has been! I have found new learning is everywhere! At the time I was curious about learning something new. Setting up a blog seemed intriguing, yet I knew I was a reluctant writer.  I had started using Twitter earlier in the […]

Educators ARE Writers

“Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No one likes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you will find the motivation to do what you advise others to do.”  ~Vince Poscente I’ve mentioned many times in blog posts that I’ve been a reluctant writer throughout my life. As I […]

It’s difficult, but I can do it.

I was recently invited to be a guest blogger for @wcgaskins blog “Creating a Path for Learning in the 21st Century.” The cross-post can be found here. The topic: What does it mean to blog about your teaching life and learning life? How has blogging transformed your teaching and learning life? My blog Learning is […]