I have had the pleasure to work with many instructional coaches around the globe. The one characteristic they all have in common is a desire to grow in their skills and practices. Yet, the cost of books, workshops, classes and conferences can add up both as personal and/or school expenses. How would you like a cost effective way to learn from authors and practitioners in the field of instructional coaching? What if you could do this without even leaving your home for free or a very small fee?
Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, read on because you are in for a treat!
Instructional coaches from around the globe are gathering from July 15 – 18, 2019 for the Simply Coaching Virtual Summit hosted by Nichole Turner of Simply Instructional Coaching and Teaching. Authors and practitioners will provide you with 4 full days of content that you can view from anywhere with internet connectivity. And the best part – it is extremely affordable. Your options include a FREE pass to watch sessions as they occur each day or purchase an ALL ACCESS PASS which is good for 6 months so that you can go back to the content as often as you like. (The All Access Pass Early Bird price is $27 until June 15, then the price will raises to $47.00.) If you want to learn more head over to the conference website. This is my affiliate link. I do receive a small percentage of your registration fee.
I’m thrilled to be presenting a session at the Virtual Coaching Summit on Monday, July 15, 2019. My topic is near and dear to my heart – COACHING CYCLES. Coaching cycles are rooted in a mindset of inquiry, curiosity, a process of reflection and vulnerability. As coaches, we know coaching matters. We know that strategies and teacher practices have a higher level of transfer into the classroom to impact student learning when coupled with coaching. Yet, coaches can become pulled to “other duties as assigned”, gravitate to other tasks because they run into a lack of acceptance to coaching or avoid coaching cycles due to their own lack of confidence.
In my session you will learn the importance of keeping coaching cycles at the forefront of your work. We will review the essential elements that can be found across coaching cycle models – from gathering current reality data, setting goals to navigating next steps and reflecting on practices to keep the momentum a live. In addition, you will learn how to organize your time, be introduced to tools that will support your work within coaching cycles and how to grow as a coach in order to help both teachers and students SHINE!
Kathy Perret, Author and Instructional Coaching Trainer and Virtual Coach
Let’s dig into the heart of our work – coaching others. Walk away with tips to keep coaching cycles at the center of what we do as instructional coaches!
Check out this video to view the awesome line up for the Simply Coaching Summit.
I can’t wait to learn from each of them!
The 6 month all access pass will allow you to not only view content this summer – but go back to it often. You just can’t get that from an onsite conference! $27.00 + 6 months + 4 Keynote Speakers + 4 Halftime Interviews + 16 How To Sessions + 4 Bonus Interviews = WOWZA! You don’t want to miss this! Register here to secure your place with at the Early Bird price. (Or sign up for the FREE pass to the real time sessions.)
Not only is this event going to empower instructional coaches worldwide – it will also give back to education. It was just announced that 5% of each ticket sale will go to fund a DonorsChoose project in August! The projects will be selected randomly.
Are you ready to GET INTO THE GAME?
Let’s Work Together
Are you thinking ahead to your summer learning or your own professional development during the 2019-2020 school year? I’d love to join you in your learning journey. I am in the process of building both my onsite and virtual schedule.
My goal for you to SHINE as an instructional coach or school leader wearing a coaching hat. Coaching is challenging work – one that relies building your skills, putting your new learning into practice and developing the confidence to make an impact with teachers and students.
S.H.I.N.E. Coaching (more on this acronym coming soon) gives you that ENERGY to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Let’s set up a time to customize a training or coaching package to FIT YOUR UNIQUE NEEDS! Email me at kathy@kathyperret.org to get started.